Tom Dwan Broke

4/13/2022by admin
Tom Dwan Broke Average ratng: 5,0/5 7224 votes

There were many rumours about Dwan at this point. He was often seen in the high stakes cash games in Macau, though some wondered if he was broke and being staked by some of the richer players in the game. Others speculated that Dwan was under the control of. It is becoming common knowledge that high rollers such as Phil Ivey, John Juanda, Tom Dwan and Johnny Chan pass the time in Macau's StarWorld Casino playing with local businessmen; I wrote about them a few times already, but I need to tell you this, because this is sick: according to recent information, Tom 'durrrr' Dwan took down a $11,5 million pot.

Tom Dwan Broke

Tom Dwan’s Online Losses in November

Tom Dwan’s downswing graphs last month resembled nothing less than the stock market crash of the 1930s.

The exuberant young pro Tom “Durrrr” Dwan has been hailed as one of the best high stakes poker players in the world. His publicity and credence as one of the world’s greatest online players was further enhanced when he signed with Team Full Tilt on November 9th. Joining an estimable list of other poker players – including Ivey, Hansen, Antonius and Lederer – Tom Dwan has since managed to lose $4.2 million of his online bankroll.

A number of poker community forums and sites have been filled with questions over whether Tom Durrrr Dwan was broke. Indeed, there aren’t many professional poker players out there who could suffer Dwan’s heavy downswings worth millions of dollars. With Dwan’s total online poker bankroll considered to be worth around $10 million, Durrrr’s losses in November against isildur1 and Antonius have represented a calamitous 40% downswing.

In the first weeks of November, Tom “durrrr” Dwan lost over $460k pots to Swedish player isildur1 in $500/1000 blinds. Palpably, when you’re playing at such high stakes online, you’re bound to suffer heavy losses. But after three nights of heads up action between Dwan and Isidlur1, the former paradise poker player lost over $2.3 million to unknown Swede isilidur1. Proving to be one of Dwan’s biggest losses, the month only continued to get worse.

Tom “Durrrr” Dwan Broke?

Questions over Dwan’s bankroll and whether Durrrr was going broke looked unquestionable last night, as the 23 year old American was seen playing $25/50 limits – significantly lower than his normal stakes of $100/$200 played in the Million Dollar Challenge games. While Dwan’s biggest downswing looked like turning upwards last night, the giant poker losses he suffered last month seemed irrevocable. Questions have been asked in forums whether Dwan can even afford to continue any Million Dollar Challenge games at the moment.

Tom Dwan, having acquired poker strategy tips and developed his game as a student poker player, has rarely been seen playing such low stakes games since then. He suffered heavy losses as a student player while four tabling at $50/100 in online poker at one point; and had to go back down the stakes to rebuild his bankroll.

And that’s exactly what looks like happening now. Unfortunately for his abetting fans, it looks like Tom Dwan is broke. Durrr suffered the biggest losses ever against Isildur1, and doesn’t look able to continue playing at his regular online poker stakes. With Dwan outplayed by isildur1 throughout November 2009, his losses to the unknown isildur1 total over $5 million now. While it could be over dramatic claiming Dwan is broke outright, the untenable damages to his online bankroll have surely left him losing the ability to gain revenge against Antonius and isidulr1 for the time being.

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Wednesday's latest 'High Stakes Poker' episode on PokerGO was a continuation of the last week’s game, which was played $200/$400/$800 w/ an $800 ante from the third blind.

Tom Dwan Broke In Macau

The episode started with six players in their seats while Tom Dwan was sitting out. Here’s how things stack up at the top of the broadcast:

Rick Salomon$606,000
Jean-Robert Bellande$489,100
John Andress$298,000
Sean Perry$271,600
Damien Leforbes$157,800
Michael Schwimer$75,700

Leforbes vs. Schwimer – No Apologies for Running Good

In the first hand of the new episode, Damien Leforbes raised to $2,500 from middle position with the and the ever-aggressive Michael Schwimer three-bet to $9,000 from the cutoff holding the . Action folded back to Leforbes and he called to see the flop, which gave Schwimer trip eights.


Leforbes check-called a bet of $6,000 and then check-called one of $15,000 on the turn. The river was gin for Leforbes, who checked his full house. Schwimer bet $24,000, which left him just $21,000 behind, and Leforbes check-raised all in.

“Did you get lucky as shit on me?” a seemingly-frustrated Schwimer asked before calling off and discovering the bad news.

“I will not apologize for running good,” said Leforbes as he pulled in the $153,400 pot.

Dwan vs. Schwimer – “I’m in Pretty Good Shape”

After reloading to $100,000, Schwimer raised to $3,000 from the hijack and Dwan, who had returned to the game, three-bet to $13,000 from the small blind. Schwimer called, the flop fell . Dwan continued for $14,000 and Schwimer, who flopped top two pair, just called to see the turn.

Dwan made top pair but still checked, and Schwimer followed suit. On the river, Dwan bet $25,000 and Schwimer leaned back in his chair while letting out a big sigh before saying, “All in.”

It was $73,000 total and Dwan hit the tank.

“Didn’t snap-call, I’m in pretty good shape,” Schwimer claimed. Dwan thought long and hard before paying it off, and just like that Schwimer doubled back by claiming the $200,800 pot.

Sean Perry vs. Jean-Robert Bellande – JRB Puts Himself in Hot Water

Dwan opened for $2,500 with the and Sean Perry looked down at the next to act. He three-bet to $8,000 and then Jean-Robert Bellande, who had lost a six-figure pot to Dwan the hand prior, four-bet to $30,000 out of the small blind with the .

Dwan folded and Perry, the son of poker pro Ralph Perry, paused for a few beats before five-betting to $70,000. Bellande asked how much his opponent had behind, which was $246,000, and Bellande opted to call.

He flopped top pair on the flop and checked it over to Perry, who bet $40,000 into the pot of $144,100. Bellande called and then check-called a bet of $70,000 when the turn gave him an open-ended straight draw.

Is Tom Dwan Broke

After the paired the board on the river, Bellande checked for the third time and Perry moved all in for his last $136,000. Bellande asked for a count and realized he had the bigger stack, albeit by a slim margin of $18,000. Eventually, Bellande called only to see his opponent table the goods.

With that, Perry doubled in a juicy pot worth $637,700.

Bryn Kenney vs. Sean Perry – Nine High, Not Like a Boss

After Rick Salomon left the game, a new player joined the game in Bryn Kenney, who bought in with a massive stack. Here’s how this stacked up at that point in time:

Bryn Kenney$836,900
Sean Perry$635,300
Tom Dwan$429,800
Michael Schwimmer$367,000
John Andress$223,800
Damien Leforbes$209,900
Jean-Robert Bellande$151,000

In his first hand of this episode, Kenney raised to $4,000 from the cutoff with the and Perry called from the big blind with the . The flop gave Perry trip eights and he check-called a bet of $10,000.

Perry checked again on the turn, which gave him a full house, and Kenney continued to bluff by firing out $23,000. Perry just called and then checked yet again on the river. Kenney took the bait and triple-barreled it with a bet of $64,000, but had to fold when Perry finally woke up with the check-raise to $219,000. Kenney took an early hit while Perry collected another big pot, this one worth $359,8000.

Michael Schwimmer vs. Bryn Kenney – One Will Quit the Game

In the penultimate hand of the episode, John Andress had the $1,600 straddle on and both Dwan and Bellande called, the former under the gun and the latter on the button. Schwimer then raised to $4,000 with the in the small blind and Kenney called from the big with the . All the aforementioned players called and it was five-way action to the flop.

Schwimer continued for $15,000 with top pair and Kenney raised to $52,000 with his set. Andress folded, Dwan gave up his flush draw, and Bellande got out of the way. Schwimer called and the turn gave him a wheel draw, which he checked.

Kenney bet $71,000, Schwimer called, and the completed the board on the river. Schwimer improved to two pair but checked to Kenney, who bet $165,000. Schwimer snap-called off his stack and then let loose some expletives upon seeing Kenney had the best hand to win the $597,200 pot.

Tom Dwan Broken Arms

“Alright, that was fun boys,” Schwimer told the table before giving up his seat in the game.

Remember, High Stakes Poker will air every Wednesday but is only available to PokerGO subscribers. If you’re not currently subscribed, you can get a monthly subscription for $14.99, a three-month plan for $29.99, and an annual subscription for $99.99.

*Images courtesy of PokerGO.

What Happened To Tom Dwan

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