Igt Gaming
LONDON, Feb. 1, 2021/PRNewswire/ -- International Game Technology PLC (NYSE: IGT)announced that its subsidiary, IGT Global Solutions Corporation(hereinafter 'IGT'), has signed a four-year contract extension withthe Kentucky Lottery Corporation to continue providing its iLotteryplatform and mobile app, and add engaging new IGT PlayLotterycontent to the Lottery's existing digital games portfolio.
IGT PlayDigital will install its PlayRGS (remote game server)digital game delivery technology allowing the Lottery to expand itsportfolio of Instant Play games with new game features andpromotional capabilities. IGT will also add the Lottery's dailyPick 3 and Pick 4 draw games to Kentucky's iLottery lineup, as well as IGT'spatented Cash Pop™ game. Cash Pop is IGT's exclusive draw-basedgame that gives players the ability to strategize their wager andcreate their own personalized experience every time they play.
International Game Technology PLC (IGT), formerly Gtech S.p.A. And Lottomatica S.p.A., is a multinational gambling company that produces slot machines and other gambling technology. The company is headquartered in London, with major offices in Rome, Providence, Rhode Island, and Las Vegas. International Gaming Technology (short form is igt) is a company that deals with creative content, innovative technology, and top-notch services that benefit gaming markets.
'For more than 30 years, IGT has continuously helpedmodernize the Kentucky Lottery's offerings to ensure they suit theever-changing player needs and market opportunities,' saidMary Harville, Kentucky LotteryPresident and CEO.'When we first introduced iLottery gameswith IGT in 2016, we offered three draw games and five instant playgames. Extending our contract with IGT allows us to grow ourportfolio to offer a total of eight draw games, including three newones to the digital space, and more than a hundred compellinginstant play games that will entertain players and contribute tothe Lottery's record-breaking annual sales growth.'

'Now more than ever, lotteries are looking to evolve thetraditional lottery player experience through the introduction ofiLottery play, and IGT is excited to help the Kentucky Lotterybenefit from the evolution of its digital gamesportfolio,' said EnricoDrago, IGT PlayDigital Senior Vice President.'TheKentucky Lottery was at the forefront of this initiative, and welook forward to bringing additional innovative draw games, likeCash Pop, and engaging PlayLottery instant play themes to theLottery's players.'
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In addition to new games and the digital platform, IGT willprovide performance analytics to recommend and identify specificopportunities for iLottery growth. IGT will also provide continuedsystem, software and marketing support for the iLotteryprogram.
The Kentucky Lottery has been a customer of IGT's since theLottery's inception in 1989. In 2016, IGT began providing itsPlayLottery products and solutions for the Lottery, and in early2020, the Lottery executed a two-year iLottery extension with IGT.The latest amendment extends IGT's contract for another four yearsthrough July 2026. In addition toiLottery, IGT provides the traditional draw-based lottery systemand retail lottery products, as well as operations, hotline, fieldservices and marketing support.
For more information about IGT, visit igt.com. Follow IGT onFacebook at facebook.com/IGT, follow us on Twitter attwitter.com/IGTnews, or watch IGT videos on YouTube atyoutube.com/igt.
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About IGT
IGT (NYSE:IGT) is the global leader ingaming. We deliver entertaining and responsible gaming experiencesfor players across all channels and regulated segments, from GamingMachines and Lotteries to Sports Betting and Digital. Leveraging awealth of compelling content, substantial investment in innovation,player insights, operational expertise, and leading-edgetechnology, our solutions deliver unrivaled gaming experiences thatengage players and drive growth. We have a well-established localpresence and relationships with governments and regulators in morethan 100 countries around the world, and create value by adheringto the highest standards of service, integrity, and responsibility.IGT has approximately 11,000 employees. For more information,please visit www.igt.com.
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This news release may contain forward-lookingstatements (including within the meaning of the Private SecuritiesLitigation Reform Act of 1995) concerning International GameTechnology PLC and its consolidated subsidiaries (the 'Company')and other matters. These statements may discuss goals, intentions,and expectations as to future plans, trends, events, dividends,results of operations, or financial condition, or otherwise, basedon current beliefs of the management of the Company as well asassumptions made by, and information currently available to, suchmanagement. Forward-looking statements may be accompanied by wordssuch as 'aim,' 'anticipate,' 'believe,' 'plan,' 'could,' 'would,'should,' 'shall', 'continue,' 'estimate,' 'expect,' 'forecast,'future,' 'guidance,' 'intend,' 'may,' 'will,' 'possible,'potential,' 'predict,' 'project' or the negative or othervariations of them. These forward-looking statements speak only asof the date on which such statements are made and are subject tovarious risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside theCompany's control. Should one or more of these risks oruncertainties materialize, or should any of the underlyingassumptions prove incorrect, actual results may differ materiallyfrom those predicted in the forward-looking statements and frompast results, performance, or achievements. Therefore, you shouldnot place undue reliance on such statements. Factors that couldcause actual results to differ materially from those in theforward-looking statements include (but are not limited to) thefactors and risks described in the Company's annual report on Form20-F for the financial year ended December 31, 2019 and otherdocuments filed from time to time with the SEC, which are availableon the SEC's website at www.sec.gov and on the investor relationssection of the Company's website at www.IGT.com. Except as requiredunder applicable law, the Company does not assume any obligation toupdate these forward-looking statements. You should carefullyconsider these factors and other risks and uncertainties thataffect the Company's business. All forward-looking statementscontained in this news release are qualified in their entirety bythis cautionary statement. All subsequent written or oralforward-looking statements attributable to International GameTechnology PLC, or persons acting on its behalf, are expresslyqualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.
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James Hurley, Investor Relations, +1(401) 392-7190
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SOURCE International Game Technology PLC