Adt Casino Term
The Casino cannot open accounts or process Adt Casino Term bets or financial transactions for individuals residing in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) state in Germany. Bayton Ltd Adt Casino Term (C41970), is a Maltese registered company registered at Villa Seminia, 8. 18+ New eligible UK players only. Select Adt Casino Term Casino offer on sign-up and deposit. 4 deposits of £10, £20, £50, £100 matched with a bonus cash offer of same value (14 day expiry). 35x real money cash wagering (within 30 days) on eligible games before bonus cash is credited. Spins credited upon deposits; Adt Casino Term under £50 =10 Spins, £50 or over =25 Spins; on Book of. If the casino is reinvesting at a rate of 20% of theo, then the casino has 20% x $126.24 = $25.24 set aside to reinvest in the player. The hypothetical roulette player above may be given a free buffet lunch. Management knows that in theory the casino has won a lot more than the cost of a lunch from this player, even if the player won $1,000 in. As far as the patent Harrah's holds on their ADT system - here's what is defined as a 'day': 'ADT is accumulated daily theoretical win, and is the current sum of the coin in hold for all of the gaming sessions that have thus far occurred during the casino day. Adt Casino Term, lirik dan chord roulette aku jatuh cinta, casino bello, double down promo codes, game hunters.

Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
* | ADT | Advanced Data Technologies | |
* | ADT | Advanced Dicing Technologies | |
* | ADT | Aerospace and Defense Technology | |
* | ADT | Aguas del Tunari | |
* | ADT | American Dental Trading | |
* | ADT | American District Telegraph Company Telecom | |
* | ADT | Anchorage Daily Times | |
* | ADT | Applied Data Trends, Inc | |
* | ADT | Articulated Dump Truck | |
* | ADT | Ashland Daily Tidings | |
* | ADT | Authorized Dealer Team | |
* | ADT | Average Daily Theoretical | |
* | ADT | Average Daily Turnover | |
* | ADT | Average Daily Travel General | |
* | ADT | Adept Telecom Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) London stock exchange | |
* | ADT | ADT Corp (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) | |
* | ADT | Adroit Resources Inc. (Toronto Venture Exchange [TSXV]) |

How often is it you meet a 3rd party service provider or even an agency that doesn't know your lingo? ADT, theo win, slot occupancy – these are just few terms that are tossed around daily by casino executives, marketing teams and database marketing departments. We get it, we know your language, and we're here to help.

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If you're new to gaming or training new employees, please refer to the below glossary of casino marketing terms. This list should help make meetings and casual conversations with casino industry veterans less stressful.
Adt Casino Terms And Conditions

Adt Casino Term Parking
- A
- Acquisition
- The process of acquiring new guests. In gaming this refers to gathering new player’s club members.
- Active
- Player’s club members that have played within a certain time period, usually in the last 12 months.
- Actual Win
- The monetary amount the casino actually wins from a player. There can be a large discrepancy from theoretical win (Twin) if someone hits a jackpot or if there is a savvy table games player. Also known as 'casino win.'
- Average Daily Theoretical win (See Theoretical win).
- B
- Bonus Points
- Points that are not earned but rather awarded based on a promotion or event.
- C
- Carded Play
- The portion of total gaming revenue that was tracked using player’s club cards.
- Casino Win
- The monetary amount the casino actually wins from a player. There can be a large discrepancy from theoretical win (Twin) if someone hits a jackpot or if there is a savvy table games player. Also known as 'actual win.'
- Coin-in
- Total bets cycled through a machine that includes both cash-in and credits played. Also referred to as ‘bet,’ ‘handle’ or ‘wager.’ Total coin-in reflects both carded and non-carded coin-in. Carded coin-in reflects only coin-in generated using a players club card.
- Core Program
- Regular monthly life-cycle program. (Acquisition, Loyalty, Downtrender, Recapture, Birthday, etc.)
- Criteria
- The selected parameters that need to be met to receive an offer or enter a tier or segment.
- D
- Database
- All player data collected through the player's club, including gaming data, demographics,preferences, etc.
- Demographics
- Characteristics such as annual income, age, sex, distance to the casino, etc., which can be used to project or influence behavior.
- Direct Mail
- Mail programs in which offers are targeted to guests based on specific, pre-selected criteria with a specific marketing goal (acquisition, retention, reactivation, etc.). Can include email as well.
- Downtrender
- A player’s club member whose current play is lower based on Twin per month or quarter than it has been in the past. This can be attributed to a loss in frequency or spend.
- F
- Frequency
- How frequently (often) a player visits and has activity. Trips in a distinct time period can also define this.
- G
- Goal
- The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed. The state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; “the ends justify the means.” Most gaming program goals involve Acquisition, Retention/Loyalty, Stretch, Recapture.
- H
- Hold
- The amount the game or group of games made for the organization. This is based on game type, skill level, odds and system settings.
- Hotel Occupancy
- The amount of rooms occupied/sold expressed in a percentage of those available.
- I
- Incremental Win
- The difference between win that normally would have occurred based on a guest’s RFM score (see RFM definition below) and win when provided with a stimulus (i.e.: a coupon).
- K
- Key Metrics
- Identified areas of measurement that are considered high priority in analyzing operational performance.
- L
- Layering
- Creating offers and promotions in such a way as to allow players to redeem multiple things in one trip/day.
- M
- Marketing
- Everything involved in the movement or sale of goods.
- Marketing Mix
- The percentages and dollars budgeted to each sub department in the overall marketing department.
- Market Share
- The amount of Guests that patronize our casino vs. visiting other casinos in the area.
- Member File
- The entire database of player’s club members; all enrolled members including active and non-active.
- Modeling
- Identifying particular demographics that model a particular behavior such as gaming characteristics. Used primarily in determining acquisition efforts.
- N
- New Members
- New patrons joining the player's club database.
- Non-Active/Inactive
- Player’s club members on our member file who have not played within a specified time period.
- O
- Offer Redemption Percentage
- The quantity of players that redeem a specific offer expressed against the total number of offers distributed. (total offers redeemed / total offers issued = offer redemption percentage)
- P
- Player Development
- This definition varies widely; it is used to describe the internal department and functionality of casino hosts. In actuality, it is everything involved in increasing loyalty and therefore the RFM of each player. This includes one-to-one service, personalized benefits, direct mail offers and copy, etc.
- Player Type
- Usually used as a stratification tool based on distance of residence or by arrival type. Examples include local, junket (bus), group (convention), destination, etc.
- Postforma
- A document that measures the profitability of a specific program. This includes all program-specific expenses and revenue. Preforma is a similar document that is used for forecasting a program's profitability.
- Preforma
- A document that projects the profitability of a specific program. This includes all program-specific expenses and forecasted revenue. Postforma is a similar document that is used for measuring acutal profitability of a program.
- Profit Margin
- The percentage of expense compared to revenue. Net Revenue / Gross Revenue = X%
- R
- Reactivation
- The process of attracting guests who have not played for an extended period of time, but at one point were active.
- Recency
- A method of measurement that identifies how recently a wager or purchase has been made.
- Response Rate
- The quantity of players who responded to an offer expressed against the total group of players issued offer(s). (total player responders / total number of players who received offer(s) = response rate)
- Retention
- The process of retaining current guests on the member file. The period of time used depends on the overall RFM of the member file. This sometimes means re-activating members from the member file that have become inactive. Reactivating members is 1/3 of the cost of Acquisition.
- Recency, Frequency, Spend. A common method of assessing value of customers through recency, frequency and spend. Spend refers not only to the wager amount but also the items/services purchased.
- S
- Script or Point Redemption
- The financial term for the cost of the cash back redemption. It is generally one of the larger expense items.
- Segments
- Defined groups within the database based on recent play and used to determine the offers the patron will qualify for.
- Share
- The portion of the spending that occurs at our facility vs. other entertainment organizations.
- Slot Occupancy
- A plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal, using all the forces to execute approved plans as effectively as possible.
- Stratification
- To divide guests into a series of graded statuses or classes; i.e. dividing the database into tiered segments based on player type, etc.
- T
- Tactical (Tactical Execution)
- An expedient for achieving a goal; a maneuver of less long-term significance than strategic operations or strategy.
- Theoretical Win (or Theo Win or Twin)
- The amount that the casino should win in theory, based on hold percentage and the random number generator or game type/odds. (coin-in x hold = theoretical win)
- Tiers
- Most often used to describe the defined groups within the player's club structure based on play and used to determine player's club benefits.
- Trip(s)/Days
- The frequency measure used in gaming. A defined period of time that starts when the player’s club card has been inserted and there has been play. The length of a trip and associated parameters vary widely.